Day 2 World Council 2019

19 november 2019

Today was a very exciting day not just because we were voting for the new president and treasurer, crucial positions for our movement, but also because of the amendments on the constitution.

Any democratic country, except the UK, or organization organizes its principals in its constitution. So changing aspects of your constitution is a big thing and not something to be taken lightly.

Our excellent delegation leader Dieke Hengelaar took the floor and explained why and how we wanted to change the constitution.

YWCA has a clear C in her name, it shows the origine of the organization and its stands for its values of peace, concern for others and other Christian values.
There are more and more member organizations that are neutral or interfaith within the movement, and the latter is also the case in The Netherlands, as even our delegation shows.

So our proposal is to honor the Christian values and also broaden the scope towards other religions and conventions to be an inclusive movement and to embrace women who can respect our Christian values.

Dieke well presented our point if view that is shared by many and especially by Sri Lanka and Belgium.

We will see how people vote and tomorrow there will be the result of the election of the president and the treasurer.
There is also all the lovely talks with all the special ladies from all over the world, lots of fun and lots of impressions.


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